Sunday, September 28, 2008

Can't Wait!!!

For the past 7 months I have been working with a home health agency as a case manager. I have totally loved working with my patients. But, I have been working an average of 50-60 hours per week. It has been really difficult to have a life (to say the least!)!! Wellllll, I have secured a new position working in the schools and I'm really excited about it! It means I will have normal hours and I won't have to bring my work home with me! Part of the reason why I decided to become a nurse is to decrease my hours worked in a week--not increase!!! With this job I will have time to be me again! I have so many plans in my crafting future!!! I have about a 2 week break in between jobs that is going to be great!! I'll be able to slam out some of my Halloween ideas that have been brewing in my head for a while now!! I have one more week of pure torture and then I'm DONE!!!!! It will be so nice to not have to bring home a computer and chart for hours every night. Anyway... stay tuned 'cause I'm gonna be posting some fun stuff! I just bought a bunch more DVD tins from Effectuality again. I also bought some other things from there too. I think you will like what I have in store!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job! Sounds like it is just what you need. I will look forward to seeing more blog entries--you and your art have been missed. Darlene

Michelle said...

Wooohooo!! Here's to you babe! Good move. Life's too short to be stuck in a job that takes over your life. You enjoy your break, and make sure you try out the Mountain Dew torches with you kids - I'm going to go searching for the ingredients today. How cool!
Michelle SBS10

Latisha said...

Waaahhooo, doing the happy dance for you!
Congrats on the new job!!